Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update from may 27

hello!!!! yehaw!!! im so sorry when i respond i am not really answering any questions or responding to anything you have written, i cant read my emails until i am done emailing... odd system. but no worries fam, i wrote you personal letters through the mail so you should be getting them this week. but here it goes again!! another week at the mtc!! i really love it here!!!
So i will start you off with this past saturday. i dont know if i told you but we went out and did proselitismo... like when you see missionaries walking around talking to people. the day before we were told we were going to go out for a brief two hour session so we planned the night before when we got our maps. 20 minutes before we left they told us they would be sending us our for 7 hours that day. oh boy. i was so excited and so nervous at the same time. we were driven to our area about thirty mins away from the mtc. it was crazy even just driving outside the mtc, drivers are nuts. as soon as we got off the bus elder mcclellan stepped off the bus and what do you know... he stepped in dog poo... welcome to buenos aires. that is no suprise though because there are stray dogs everywhere and dog poo everywhere. i stepped in it several times... i was prepared with my rain boots though since it has been raining like mad. my companion and i went off and started walking through our area. i was pumped. talking to people about their lives and the gospel just made me so excited. i think i kind of forgot there was a language barrier. one by one, i would say hola como te va!! and one by one we were rejected. most people wouldnt even say hi back. it was a very humbling experience to say the least. we did not have our first contact for about the first 30 minutes. we talked to him for a while in really broken spanish, i really cant even re tell what was said because i dont know if it even made sense. since i have to keep this short i will tell you about my most favorite contact of the day. there was a homeless man that approaced us and asked us for food and work. my companion and i always share our food anyways so we gave him one of our sack lunches, he broke down and started to cry, we felt like we needed to leave him with more than just the lunch so we tried to talk to him a bit. about the only thing i could spit out is that i knew he was loved by our Heavenly Father and that he cares about him. he started to cry to us and ask us more but we could not quite understand. we gave him a set of scriptures and asked him to read them, he agreed, kissed us on the cheek and we were off. he was amazing and i hope we were able to help him. at about one everyone goes inside to take a siesta or nap... everyday.... what a life. so the work was pretty sparse after that.
so monday was argentinas celebration of 300 years of independence from spain, with some odd traditions. as my companion and i picked up our lunches that day the kitchen reeked. we sat down and began to pick through the soup we were given and noticed some odd looking stuff. i asked presidente what it was and he just said, hermana kubly, it may be better if you just eat it and dont know. i told him that was a dead giveaway that i needed to know. after a little battle the whole section of teachers eating lunch was betting on when i would throw up. presidente finally told me it was cow stomach. yes i tried it... yes i swallowed it... no i didnt throw up... yes i will avoid ever eating it again if i can. cow stomach is not one of those weird foods that just tastes like chicken, it tastes like it smells, which is one of the worst smells ever. the texture may be the worst part. what a cool experience though, i was way excited to eat something weird. we also ate cow tongue but i couldnt even choke that one down. all the teachers told us to enjoy this while we can because it will only get ten times worse in uruguay haha.
so guess what!! every sunday everyone has to have a talk planned for sacrament meeting on the topic given. somehow once we were done with the prayer i knew it was going to be me, and sure enough, presidente called me up. it was only 5 minutes but it was entirely in spanish!!! luckily i had it all written out but i was happy to have that to practice. after sacrament hermana george, presidentes wife came up and spoke on the topic as well, which was on love. i loved her explanation, she said the things in life that take us to our knees in prayer are the ones that make us learn the most. i know that is true and i am so greatful to have that communication with my heavenly father.

wish i could write more but i am out of time.

thank you for your support and letters!

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